
JESIP Training and Awareness

JESIP Training and Awareness

Published: 21st Nov 2023

We have received a number of queries around the training expectations on responders.  These are set out in the JESIP Joint Doctrine page 8, section 3.2.

Commanders and Control Room Managers/Supervisors and anyone who may need to act up into that role during an incident, should attend a JESIP Training Course once every 3 years.  This course should be multi-agency, and run by trainers who have attended a JESIP Train the Trainer Course. 

In addition to this, these roles and all other responders, should ensure that they undertake JESIP Awareness annually.  We have a number of available awareness materials to choose from:

JESIP Training Film

JESIP All staff e-learning


JESIP Mobile Application

JESIP Awareness Presentation

Joint Doctrine Short Guide