The JESIP App is a useful way to become familiar with the core element of the JESIP Joint Doctrine.
The app is designed to work across mobile devices and may also work on some tablets.
The app aims to reach the many thousands of staff involved in emergency response providing them with essential reminders about the five Principles for Joint Working and the Joint Decision Model.
It also includes some other useful prompts and checklists including:
- Incident Checklist – for commanders as they arrive at an incident
- M/ETHANE report that can be completed and sent using the app
- Steps to help develop a joint understanding of risk for those at the scene
- Instructions for Airwave radio handsets, and how to change talk groups
- Examples of tabards worn by incident commanders on the scene
- A glossary of Civil Contingencies Lexicon map symbols
- A prompt for use of the IIMARCH briefing tool
How will it help?
The JESIP App will allow many more people working in emergency response to understand and apply JESIP, improving the multi-agency response the public expect and deserve. It will help embed JESIP so its use becomes business-as-usual resulting in emergency response staff achieving the JESIP aim “working together – saving lives”.
Who can use it?
The JESIP App is a useful tool for anyone working in emergency response, this includes those who assist and support emergency responders.
View Our Online Version here
or download another version below.

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