JESIP is provided with governance through the JESIP Interoperability Board which meets quarterly and is chaired by the police National Strategic Lead and JESIP Senior Responsible Officer. This is a chief officer level board, supported by cross-government departments at the director level.
The national strategic leads for the police, ambulance and fire & rescue sectors act as a conduit to the services in their respective sector. All other responder organisations are represented directly by a senior officer or by the relevant Government Department and the Local Government Association.
Further governance is provided through a Ministerial Oversight Board.
JESIP Interoperability Board Membership Chart

Meet the National Strategic Leads

Chief Constable Charlie Hall
JESIP National Police Strategic Lead and Senior Responsible Officer, JESIP Interoperability Board Chair
Charlie has been Chief Constable for Hertfordshire Constabulary since October 2016, moving into the county from his previous home in Norfolk.
Charlie has been a police officer since 1992 and previously worked for Norfolk Constabulary. He has a wide range of policing experience, which has included leading some significant organisational change programmes. He was responsible for a fundamental redesign of the policing model in Norfolk and also for brokering and then driving forward the substantial collaboration programme between Norfolk and
Suffolk Constabularies. Charlie served as the executive lead for Protective Services before being promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in 2013. Nationally, Charlie chairs the National Police Chiefs’ Council Operations Co-ordination committee which co-ordinates the work of operationally focused portfolios such as Armed Policing, NPAS, Roads Policing and Civil Contingencies among others. He also leads for the NPCC on Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and is the Senior Responsible Police Officer for the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programme.

Chief Executive Officer Anthony Marsh
JESIP National Ambulance Strategic Lead
Anthony started his Ambulance Service career in 1987. Anthony has held a number of senior posts with the Ambulance Service in Hampshire, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and West Midlands. He is the longest serving substantive Chief Ambulance Officer in the country.
Anthony holds 3 Masters Degrees. MSc in Strategic Leadership, Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Arts. He is also a Professor of Emergency Services Management.
Anthony also holds the National Portfolio for Emergency Planning, Major Incident Response
and Resilience. He is also the National Ambulance Strategic Lead for JESIP, Interoperability and Counter Terrorism. He also oversees and hosts the National Ambulance Resilience Unit on behalf of NHS England.
Anthony was appointed NHS England and NHS Improvement National Strategic Advisor of Ambulance Services in 2018.

Chief Fire Officer Chris Lowther
JESIP National Fire Strategic Lead
Chris started his career as an operational firefighter based at Gateshead Community Fire Station in 1997.
He has an impressive and varied background in training, community safety and operations and has taken a lead role in a number of national resilience programmes.
He was appointed Chief Fire Officer in February 2017, taking up the post in April 2017. Chris has held a number of roles within the fire service, including Station Officer for Community Safety, during which time he was instrumental in introducing home safety checks which have significantly reduced fires in the home.
Chris chairs the National Fire Chiefs Committee (NFCC), Operational Coordination Committee (OCC), the lead body for Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) and sits on a number of NFCC groups including the NFCC Board.
Policy and collaboration are integral to Chris’s current role and will continue to be a focus going forward. He works collaboratively with Northumbria Police and other key partners, and the implementation of the Integrated Risk Management Plan is an important part of his remit.
Under his leadership, Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service will focus on workforce reform and broadening and strengthening our contribution to our community.