

Briefing IIMARCH

Once commanders have made decisions and decided on actions, information must be relayed in a structured way that can be easily understood by those who will carry out actions or support activities. This is commonly known as briefing.  Using IIMARCH headings as a guide, a brief can be prepared in appropriate detail.

IIMARCH (Information, Intent, Method, Administration, Risk Assessment, Communications and Humanitarian Issues) is not the only structured briefing format available. However, it is widely used by emergency responders.

When using IIMARCH to prepare a briefing it is helpful to consider the following:

  • Brevity is important – if it is not relevant, leave it out
  • Communicate using unambiguous language free from jargon and in terms people will understand
  • Check that others understand and explain if necessary
  • Consider whether an agreed information assessment tool or framework has been used

To download an example IIMARCH template click here.

When using IIMARCH the following should be considered:

ElementKey questionsConsiderations
INFORMATIONWhat, where, when, how?So what?What might?How many?Timeline and history (if applicable)Key facts reported using M/ETHANE:Major Incident (declared or not?)
Exact Location
Type of Incident
Number of casualties
Emergency services
INTENTWhy are we here?What are we trying to achieve?Strategic aim and objectivesJoint working strategy
METHODHow are we going to do it?Command, control and coordination arrangementsTactical and operational policy and plansContingency plans
ADMINISTRATIONWhat is required for effective, efficient and safe implementation?Identification of commandersTaskingTimingDecision logsEquipmentDress code & PPEWelfare, food and logistics
What are the relevant risks?What measures are required to
mitigate them?
To reflect the JESIP principle – joint understanding of riskUsing the ERICPD hierarchy for risk control as appropriateDecision controls
COMMUNICATIONSHow are we going to initiate and
maintain communications with all partners
and interested parties?
Radio Call signsOther means of communicationUnderstanding of interagency communicationsInformation assessmentDealing with the media, develop a joint media strategy and plan 
HUMANITARIAN ISSUESWhat humanitarian assistance and
human rights issues arise
or may arise from this event and the
response to it?
Requirement for humanitarian assistanceInformation sharing and disclosurePotential impacts on individuals’ human rights

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