JOL ONLINE has now been launched
JOL ONLINE has now been launched

The JESIP team are delighted and excited to announce the launch of the new Joint Organisational Learning (JOL) database – JOL ONLINE.
JESIP produced a clear set of principles for joint working which are explained in detail within the Joint Doctrine: The Interoperability Framework. JOL ONLINE has been developed to ensure that lessons are identified and learnt by responder agencies in accordance with those principles. Additionally, responder agencies have the facility to record lessons identified across a range of national resilience capabilities.
The capture of JOL via JOL ONLINE will provide a consistent and accountable mechanism to ensure lessons from incidents, training, exercising and other external sources are identified and acted upon to continually improve interoperability and national resilience capabilities.
Following on from the first JOL database, JOL ONLINE has enhanced functionality with some further improvements also taking place over the next few months.
To log on head to the Learning and Development area of Resilience Direct where you will see JOL ONLINE. Register and start using and entering your multi-agency lessons and notable practice. We want to make the database as user friendly and functional as possible so please let us know what you think – all feedback is very welcome and will assist in further developments.