MAIC (Multi-Agency Information Cell) Guidance Launch
MAIC (Multi-Agency Information Cell) Guidance Launch
It is critical on the build up to and during an incident that decision makers know what is happening and have one source of information to work with. Having the same ‘picture’ allows shared situational awareness in a complex and ever-changing incident. The Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC), which can be a physical or virtual cell, can provide that capability, across tactical and strategic levels, for all organisations involved in the incident.
JESIP (2021) Joint Doctrine: The Interoperability Framework, Edition 3. P.30

JESIP are pleased to publish the Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) Guidance in support of the Joint Doctrine. This guidance has been developed by a multi-agency team from across several LRF areas and is supported by an accompanying case studies document. It is intended to support Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) in developing their own Multi-Agency Information Cell (MAIC) arrangements.
The JESIP Interoperability Board strongly recommends that all LRFs develop their own MAIC protocol based on this guidance which also sets out the statutory basis for sharing information and the alignment with the national resilience standards. It is expected that local arrangements will have clear ownership within LRFs and be regularly validated through local testing and exercise regimes.
The document, supporting case studies and all the individual figures are available via Resilience Direct here and will be also available on this website shortly.
To further support the rollout of the MAIC guidance, we will be hosting a virtual launch session with the authors who will be providing an overview of the guidance and be available for any discussion and to share their experience on Monday 21st November 1300-1430. If you wish to attend, please visit the MAIC Guidance Resilience Direct page for the MS Teams meeting link.
Any queries, please email